Monday 30 May 2011

My first ever blog!

Hello everyone!

I'm starting this blog with a little help from my fella to share with everyone my experiences of having a gastric band (the good, the bad and the ugly), what its like from his point of view and our own little adventures.

Loves Young Dream

I'm currently 23 and have been working as a nurse for nearly a year. Me and the fella have been together about a year and a half and have our first little place together on the seafront which seems to be shared with our extended family (my friends). Life is good!

A little chub-ems

As long as I can remember I have been over-weight, talking to my mum about this she disagrees, but looking back at my photos I seemed to be 'big' from when I was about one. At school I had a fairly easy time and was lucky to not really get bullied about my size (my surname is so awful they focused on that instead, small blessings!) I probably became aware of it when I was about 8 and the school nurse not so kindly pointed out I was about 2 stone over weight. At 10 or so I remember thinking how unfair it was all the kids ate crisps and I didn't, but why was I fat?! Then it was secondary school all kinds of things grew, but mainly my waist! And so it was, that has been my battle of the infamous 'yo-yo' diet approach to weight control.........

I think it would be fair to say I have tried most things including alarming eating disorders, bullemia, amphetamines (prescribed), Slimming World and the tried and tested healthy eating and exercise! The only one I haven't tried is weight watchers! Shocking, I know, but I think that  it is the only one I haven't tried, and how different can they really all be?! Alas, to no real avail, the most I have ever lost is about 2 stone but over time the motivation becomes lacking and it gradually creeps back. 

So there's a little bit about me, my life as a fatty and my fella! Off to bedfordshire for some beauty sleep but will be back soon!

Much love xxx