Wednesday 24 August 2011

Restricted, at last!

Hello everyone,

Due to our recent flat move, we are now without the Internet, hence a distinct lacking of updates!

Last week I had my second band fill, I went from 5.25mls to 6.75mls, a total of 1.5mls added to my band, I was told to sit in the waiting area, drink one hot and one cold drink... I got to the end of my coffee and something was not at all right... Hello heart  burn with vengeance! I told the receptionist and I was whizzed back in to have some removed (sorry to everyone who was waiting!)... classic case of overfilling apparently! A bit scary, but it soon eased when she took 0.5mls out. So now I stand with 6.25mls in my band and at the moment the restriction is just right for me. The nurse was explaining how normally you get a good restriction for the first couple of weeks and then it starts to slacken off a bit. So I am currently booked in for monthly band fills, so glad I went for a package that included all my aftercare.

Before I saw the nurse I had my first face to face with a dietitian who gave me a good telling off about not drinking enough fluid... as a nurse I hang my head! I am going to try and buy a fun bottle to take to work, hopefully it will encourage me a bit more! But generally all is well, I am allowed to start eating rice now, which I have missed a little but not as much as I thought, mainly I guess because I hate cooking it! It seems to take for ever! The nurse also told me as a treat every now-and-then I can have a fizzy drink, I haven't tried it yet, but may have a sip when I build up the courage!

Since my last band fill aside from noticing a restriction...FINALLY! I have also noticed eating to soon after you get up is a no no, apparently because your body relaxes overnight, and then when you wake everything contracts so the band gets even tighter for a while, I brake my self in with some fluid and leave food for a good few hours at the moment. I have also noticed dry foods, i.e pasta without a sauce, tuna etc are also a no go, it gets stuck, totally stuck, I get terrible heart burn and subsequently it makes me sick, not great when your on a night shift! I have also finally laid peace to my left shoulder tip pain that I have been getting, the nurse explained to me that I should be eating every 4 hours, if I don't the stomach acids start to ferment and release gas which builds up and results in the referred shoulder tip pain, so eat regularly is my answer!

Thats all for now folks! Will try and add some photos on the next blog, lets see if theres any change from my photos pre banding, hopefully will have lost 2 stone by then!

Much love xxx