Sunday 5 February 2012

Off the wagon

I know I haven't written in a long time, and truth be told, I fell off the wagon.

From my last blog I put on half a stone, I felt it and I looked it. Horrible and felt totally defeated. After new year was going to be a fresh start for me but it took a long time getting started again. All you have to do is log on to your facebook account and watch how everyone has joined a slimming club. I don't really have that option, nursing shifts and total exhaustion make it nigh on impossible to get to a regular meeting, going it alone really is the only option. But a couple of weeks ago I decided enough was enough. Since then I've been doing my best, also helped out by a stomach bug for a few days!

Anyway, yesterday I took some more 'naked photos' I thought it might be fun to compare them having since lost another two. Oddly enough I still feel the same as I did when I was nearly 17 stone.                    

Now (12 stone 12lbs)         Before (15 stone)

So anyways, thats me now! Still apparently another 4 stone to go, oh joy! Thing is now I'm about a size 14-16, im left with a horrible ugly tummy, it looks like I've had 4 children :(  So still cant wear a bikini, After I brace having children in the future, I think a tummy tuck is the way forward. More $$$$ and a big old scar which doesn't particularly seem to stick to pubic line at all. But that is a long way off.

In the mean time I am flying to Asia (in about 7 weeks) to meet up with my best friend in the whole wide world ever! Hopefully my band will be problem free as long as I get it deflated before I fly! Needless to say the band is still giving me no restriction what so ever! God job I can occasionally deploy some will power! What a total waste, I appreciate I should be getting it tightened but there seems no point just before I fly!

Anywho! Ramble over! 

Hope your all getting on ok, and your bands are being more helpful than mine!


1 comment:

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