Thursday 28 July 2011

The Big Band Fill!

Better late than never, apologies for not having written in such a long time, madness continues to ensue in my life!

Last week I had my first band fill done under x-ray, up near Kent. Aside from the waiting room having three huge fans rotating round making me feel like I was in a wind tunnel at the North Pole, it was quite a nice little trip!

When I went in I had a long discussion with the Consultant and Radiologist who thought I may have been.. er... with child..... Having finally convinced them otherwise, signed a disclaimer and had a lead skirt put round my abdomen I was good to go!

I had to stand against a vertical table with a little lip at the bottom which I stood on, they x-rayed to check where everything was and then they told me to hold on as the table tipped backwards and into a horizontal position! The scariest thing ever and shameful though it is to admit, I did have a little scream lol! They then aspirated the fluid out of the band  only a couple of mls, despite being told I had about 4mls in it, they topped it up to just over 5mls and then was tipped up again, given some Barium to swallow and x-rayed for a final time to check my restriction, was fascinating watching it on a screen they had positioned so I could watch too! I left with 5.25mls in my band and excited about my new portion sizes!

Post band fill I had to return to a liquid diet for 3 days, soft diet for a further 3 days and then as of yesterday back to a normal diet! Were going on holiday tomorrow so I am planning on having a little treat to get us in the mood and make fajitas, I can not remember the last time we had that but I cant wait!

All the problems I had been experiencing seem to have settle down this week, the shoulder tip pain has gone off a lot and some days I don't get it at all but sometimes I still need to take pain killers, very variable but I find I find I run into problems with the pain if I let myself get to hungry, missing breakfast is a big no no, I suppose its just trial and error, but am just delighted with the results so far! And here's why...

So the current statistics:  
Jan 2011 (starting weight) - 16 stone 12 lbs
Pre gastric band 15 stone
Today! - 13 stone 9 lbs!

Big smiles all round! Am off to pack for holiday, and pack the flat up for our move the day after we get back from holiday! Can not wait, happy times ahead! Much Love xxx

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