Wednesday 6 July 2011

A bit de-flated!

Week Three = Texture and Joy, supposedly!

Feeling, well a little bit rubbish, having moved on to food seems to have shown that actually I have no real restriction to portion size, clearly a band fill is needed... easier said than done!

Last weekend I went out for my family meal and managed not one but three shameful courses, and to be honest I was full but by no means bursting! It has felt this week like there is no band there at all, aside from one little reminder.

Having not had a visit from 'Aunt Flow' in over a year and a half due to a rather genius invention that is Cerazzet (POP contraceptive pill) I have been, well, visited! Having spent 3 hours at the walk in GP waiting to see someone I was told that my pill 'was probably working' I left even more mystified, thought the GP seemed pleased with his diagnosis, clearly all those years of medical training have paid off! The Hospital Group re-assured me it was not a malabsorbtion problem as it is absorbed in the gut rather than stomach. I suppose it is just one of those things, but my god does it suck! So I guess this is my body saying, enough already, just work out what you want woman! (Sounds familiar!).

So on to getting my band filled, having been given a number to arrange my band fill, (which I started trying to do three weeks ago with the said person), I find out she left, just no one felt the need to tell me that! Finally I get the name of the guy who has taken her role over! Yesterday he was away, today having lunch , but he will call me back! Does he? Does he boll**ks! So I am still no further in my desperate band filling mission.

Life would be so much easier if there after care actually existed! I have to have a check x-ray which my local clinic doesn't do, so that means a trek to London for me, not the biggest deal in the world, I would just like some peace of mind, so I at least know its booked and things will look a bit better. I can't call them now till next week as I am working the next two days. I am also waiting for my dietitian call or any contact at all, which was supposed to happen last week... would be nice really seeing as I just paid £6k for these supposed privileges!

Chin up though eh! (Which chin, when you have more than one?!)
Rant over, I will go to bed, psych myself up for my second day of my new job, de-grump and de-hormonafie!

Peace! xxx

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