Thursday 30 June 2011

Week Two: Looking Forward to Texture!

Week two (post op) has so far been pretty good...

We have found a new flat :D Big Grin! Free, I am hoping, from bread knife wielding, drug taking neighbours! It has an outdoor space, so were going to buy a picnic bench for some summer BBQ's... which left me to wonder will I ever be able to eat a BBQ? I'm sure I will, will just avoid the bread!

So like I said physically feeling alot better this week, still the occasional shoulder tip pain which is far from pleasant, I may just forget myself at times and drink a bit too quickly, but it reminds me its still there.

As the swelling has started to go down, especially the last couple of days I have been able to feel some lumps and bumps below my skin which I am guessing is the port, annoyingly its almost pretty much on my bra line which does make certain bras, well, a no-goer!

So that's bras and BBQ's put on the back burner, worth it??
Oh Yes! Well, you can judge...

In total since the start of my pre-op diet I have lost 1 stone!
So, this is what 14 stone looks like! I am getting there!

Despite the pain, the scars (which are really minimal), the ups and downs and upsets, I feel like I am making my peace with my little band 
(which I am yet to name.. any suggestions?!)
But I must say, I have never regretted getting it done!

So the next few weeks are looking significantly more textured, I have been super busy this week and made loads of food (with texture!) and frozen it in little boxes. I also have the ultimate big test coming up, of eating out, sensibly I checked out their menu online, which was filled with so many lovely things, but none were band friendly, so I have just given them a quick call, explained and apparently I will have a few options on the night, more band friendly, fingers crossed! I am also starting my new job next week after having had two weeks of sick thanks to my medical note!

Will keep you all posted,
Lots of love xxx

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