Wednesday 1 June 2011

I came, I saw, I conquered: meeting the surgeon!

SO it is time to seize the day! and here starts my little adventure!

We met with the surgeon a couple of weeks ago, the most nervous drive I have had in a long time, with the cheering thought that we could go to IKEA afterwards!

I must be honest here and say that the consultation in my medical opinion was a bit of a disaster, in fact, I don't really feel he gave a crap, before I had even met him he was worried about being late to pick his daughter up, so I never really feet he was that focused on the consultation and before I knew it he had finished talking, and I was being asked 'any questions?' Feeling a bit overwhelmed I groped round my bag for the scrap bit of paper I had scribbled my questions on, most of which he had answered, except one!

I then proceeded into a 'discussion' with the surgeon over having to stop a contraceptive pill! I am proud to say it helps having a little bit of inside knowledge and being a theatre nurse really does give you the upper hand when entering into negotiations with your surgeon as a patient! Long story short, I was right, he was wrong and I am now the proud owner of a voicemail with an apology from him! AND I don't have to stop my pill! Hurrah!!!!

The master plan
From now on I get to wait nervously for another two and a half weeks, the plan is: to get in as many cigarettes as I can before I give up... (that is the plan!) and have a 'last supper' with my nearest and dearest, or maybe two! I am also leaving my current job and will one week after my opp be starting at my new job. 
Oh and looking for a new flat, courtesy of my insanely rude neighbours who keeps us awake with his outrageously loud sex and music at insane hours of the morning.... Off to go and look at a flat later this afternoon : Exciting times!

Much Love and Speak Soon xxx

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