Wednesday 8 June 2011

Round Two, Ding Ding! The GP's!

So, about a week to go and pretty much everything is sorted after a super busy day yesterday!

I of course won't name and shame, however, having recently moved from a good GP to a pretty rubbish one, it makes you appreciate your old family doctor a lot more! Long live the old family GP! The Hospital called me yesterday to say they were just waiting on a letter from my GP, which they had refused to send because they require a fee, which is fine until I called my GP and found out just how much they charged for a letter, brace yourself... £75! Had I been sat down I'd have fallen off my seat, instead I was standing in the kitchen, so I held on to the sink!

Gone now were my thoughts of a relaxing day off to go shopping, I was a woman on a mission of injustice!

Never before have I got ready and out of the door so quickly! Within about 10 minutes, I was standing in the GP reception with dripping wet hair and no make-up (excellent look)! Apparently my demands to see the GP who wanted to charge me that amount of money was "not avaliable". I was assured the practice manager would call me, who conveniently was on her lunch break!
In her defence I did get a call back, unfortunately for her I had had time to brew and was now in the card shop trying to find my brother a birthday card when she called back. Bad timing all round, I was in a fairly bad mood by now, I couldn't get an appointment with the beauticians (the eyebrows are desperately seeking attention!), I couldn't find a card for my brother and I couldn't get the bank to process the money for the operation!

I probably gave everyone in the shop a good quality performance for 10 minutes, free of charge, after I had got off the phone my ear was red and warm, I still hadn't found a card and I was still having to pay £75 for a letter! Thoroughly demoralised I went to the children's section, picked out a googly eyed dinosaur for my 31 year old brother and went to the till, (I hope he will forgive me) with  some funny looks from the cashier who I'm sure had watched the whole spectacle I had put on in his shop!
Thankfully I got a call back after she had spoken to the doctor and miraculously I could now get a free print out of my medical records! Dint know they could do that... but hey! I even got her to fax it to the hospital!.... BETTER!

So today, I got the all clear, my anesthetist has signed my file off and all set to go! Just need to start thinking Gastric Band mode! I am seeing this weekend as my final weekend of freedom for a long time which is probably not the best outlook, but we are going back to out parents for the annual folk festival, cue homemade preserves, Victoria sponges, Morris dancing and lots and lots of very strong cider!
Next week is slim-fast, Muller lights and nil cigarettes!.... Bring it on!

Speak soon xxx

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