Monday 13 June 2011

Pre Op Diet: Total Naked Honesty!

Pre Op Diet: Day One!

Today is day one of the milk, slimfast and yohgurt pre op diet! Thankfully im only having to do it for five days and my fella is joining me in it! I was told to weigh myself today and this would be my starting weight.

Breakfast for two

This morning dusting off my Wii fit I stand on their for the first time in 52 days, it likes to remind you of these things and I have shamefully put on 4lbs, not as bad I was expecting and all things considered it could have been worse! At the start of this year I was 2 stone heaviver then I am now, and lost that through simple healthy eating and exercise.

Time for Total Naked Honesty! This morning I stood on our scales and
I weigh exactly 15 stone!
And to give you a visual this is what that looks like......

There we are, no more hiding, I have even told my fella just what a big weight his girlfriend is and used to be! It was with great debate I've put these pictures up, and sorry for those with weak stomaches or the easily offended, but I decided im not ashamed of my figure, I have alot of fun, I have never struggled in getting a boyfriend and generally have found some peace with being a fatty, and as the classic Mika song goes, Big Girls You Are Beautiful!!!
                                                     ..... and plus it makes for good reading!

So there we are, total naked honesty from me today, we both have the day off so going out to buy in stocks of multi-vitamins, soup and yohgurt! Tomorrow im off for my pre op wax! and then its my last day at work which means the age old tradition of cake, cake and more cake! I will be strong, I will survive, I will resist!

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