Tuesday 21 June 2011

No Pain, No Gain!

Well hello!

The Fella, keeping everyone informed on my bed!
Here I am post banding, day 4 post op! I am finally beginning to feel human again...ish! I know my Fella has kept you all well informed..... but I felt I ought to get back to blogging and update everyone!

So, I had my op on Friday, it was without doubt the most terrifying thing I have ever done! The journey up there was fine, we stopped in some services on our way up and that was when the nerves really set in, by the time we pulled up I was in all honesty a total nervous wreck!

Finally,  I am now sat in my posh room, and in for a long wait! Que self entertainment with posing for silly photos in TED stockings and my gown! Watching Jezza and reading Take a Break, all my guilty pleasures!

About the same sort of time though I started to cry, and started begging the fella to take me home... alas he talked me round (thankfully!) and before I knew it, I was being taken to theatre. Having worked in theatre I had certain expectations which was stupid and actually, knowledge on this afternoon was not helpful! So as I was being put to sleep instead of trying to relax I was wondering what drugs he was using and what size cannula he had used, I could have looked to see but, I fell asleep, as is the intention with an anesthetic! Next thing I know, I'm back in my room shaking and the nurse is saying I'm tachy... I somehow in my sleep induced state start trying to explain to my fella who was worrying that this was only normal... how typical of me!

The night went past drifting in and out of sleep, in pain, taking pain killers, drinking peppermint tea and walking about to trying to release the pain of the trapped gas under my ribs and in my shoulder, not the best of nights in all honesty.

You can never have enough PILLOWS
The following morning I was taken home and since then have ensued with a regular regime of pain killers... only liquid paracetamol??!! If you are reading this and are thinking of having this op done, fight to get sent home with something a little stronger!
Unfortunately before the op I had a horrible cold and the day before had a temp of 38! Thankfully I was better on the day but post op, I had a post cold cough... which really, really hurts post banding!
Each day has got better and better, sleeping has been difficult because you physically cant sleep on your side which I'm used to so lots of pillows are needed behind you and under legs, have lots of pillows in stock! They will be needed!

So for the next two weeks I am on a liquid diet, which is fine because having had 4mls put into my band I am not that hungry,  I am taking vitamin supplements and trying to remember to drink!
I have to have an x-ray in a few weeks along with my first band fill and a new job to start!
Will keep you all posted!

Much Love xxx

P.s- I now weigh 14 stone 5lbs (-9lbs) :D

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